


Smart Math Methods Comparison of Temperature

Smart Math Methods Comparison of Temperature
Size Comparison Using Temperature in Celsius, Fahrenheit and Reamur
Those required things considered in comparison of the size of the Celsius temperature, Reamur, Fahrenheit:
  1. Denoted by C centigrade thermometer, thermometer Reamur symbolized by R, denoted by F.    Fahrenheit thermometer
  2. Comparison of C: R: F [+32] = 5: 4: 9
  3. When calculating the temperature in Fahrenheit should be added 32 °
  4. If it comes to calculate the temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius and 32 ° Reamur be reduced first.
  • 60 ° C = ...... ° R = ...... ° F 
Smart solution :
R = 4/5 X 60 ° = 48 °
F = 9/5 X 60 ° + 32 ° = 140 °
So 60 ° C = 48 ° R = 140 ° F
  • 50 ° F = ..... ° C = ...... ° R
Smart solution :
C = 5/9 x [50 ° - 32 °] = 5/9 X 18 ° = 10 °
R = 4/9 x [50 ° - 32 °] = 4/9 X 18 ° = 8 °
So 50 ° F = 10 ° C = 8 ° R
  • 25 ° C = ..... ° R = ..... ° F
Smart solution :
25 ° C = [4/5 X 25 °] R
4 X 5 = 20 ° R
25 ° C = [9/5 X 25 ° + 32 °] F
[9 X 5] = + 32 ° 77 ° F
  • thermometer shows a temperature of 45 ° Celsius. What is the temperature indicated by a thermometer Reamur and Fahrenheit?
Smart solution :
C = 45 °
C: R: F = 5: 4: 9
R = 4/5 X 45 ° = 36 °
F = 9/5 x 45 ° + 32 ° = 113 °
So 45 ° C = 10 ° R = 113 ° F

Use Easy Methods Comparison of Temperature Although social math still using way as before.
  • Temperature american city yesterday 18°C. Today it dropped 3°C. Temperature American city today If Reamur measured using a thermometer and Fahrenheit, is ....
Smart solution :
Temperature american city  = 18°C
Decrease in temperature  = 3°C
Temperatures today  =  18°C - 3°C = 15°C
Measurement with a thermometer Reamur
15°C = 4/5 X 15°R = 12°R
15°C =  [ 9/4  X 15 + 32 ] F = [ 27 + 32 ] F = 59°R
You can do Test below:
  • Temperature of a meat storage room that is not being used is 25°C.After cooling the machine is turned on for one hour, the room temperature drops by 29°C. so that the temperature reached -16°C, how many degrees the temperature of the room again be lowered ?Answer is 12°C (you prove)
  • CelsiusThermometer shows the temperature of 285°. how high the temperature in the show by Reamur and Fahrenheit thermometer ?
  • Reamur thermometer shows a temperature of 260°. What is the temperature indicated by a thermometer celcius and fahrenheit?
  • daytime temperatures in city A 31°C, at night dropped 12°C. when the morning temperature rises 7°C.What is the temperature in the city in the morning? (try it yourself in your Smart Easy Methods Comparison)

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