


Smart Math Fast Multiplication long Numbers

Smart Math Fast Multiplication long numbers is an important requirement for students to get a foolproof method of multiplication arithmetic operation is very fast and easy, so that students do math faster, especially on the things that are associated to calculate multiplication of two digit. We will provide two digit multiplication method is very helpful for students in math often find multiplication of two digit times two digit, so it no longer requires a method to calculate the cross product of two digit. smart is the mastery of the mathematical calculation for students who are not burdensome.  

Fast Multiplication long numbers with the cross is a very practical method and fast.It is time for change in mathematics learning in not too long and time consuming so the lessons are not boring to students, so that students are not afraid of math. 
Smart Math Fast Multiplication Two digits  

This formula for multiplication 2 digits or more simply just need to be remembered is the multiplier figures reversed for example 13 to 31 reversed, 34 reversed to 43 and do not forget the multiplier in the above figures mark (X + X). After that see picture beside his net depicting the reversed number 13 to 31 and then shifted to the left one by one. Each slide laterally left a written step if the result is the result of more than two digits are stored on it, then go left again met the two numbers and multiply the two figures and add them back one by one.
Then slide left again see two figures again the product of the two figures add up as an example earlier in the next picture, the last slide one more step to meet the figures one point multiply and write the result and if you previously stored numbers just add and finished.

Smart Math Multiplication four points with three points

3212 X 123 = .....?
First thing to do is flip the numbers behind the multiplier 123 to 321 do not forget to observe the above theory (multiplication by two digits) when it will get us up the steps to do 3212 X 123. More easily find the paper to try to figure reversed 123 to 321 and each number above given mark (X + X + X), then run or slide to the left one by one:

  1. Step 1. figure of 321 is shifted to the left, see figure 2 figure 3 means [2x3] = 6
  2. Step 2. figure of 321 is shifted leftward move, see figure 1 and figure 2 figure 3 see figure 2 means [1x3] + [2x2] = 7
  3. Step 4. figure of 321 is shifted leftward move, see figure 2 3, see figure 1 and figure 2 2 meet 1 means [2x3] + [1x2] + [2x1] = 10 written 0 save 1.
  4. Step 5. figure of 321 is shifted leftward move, see figure 3 3, figure 2 meet 2, see figure 1 1 means [3x3] + [2x2] + [1x1] = 15 + stores 1 to 16 written 6 save 1
  5. Step 6. figure of 321 is shifted leftward move, see figure 3 2, number 2 meet 1, it means [3x2] + [2x1] = 8 + 1 so 9 stores
Step 7. figure of 321 is shifted leftward move, see figure 3 1, it means [3x1] = 3, so 3212 X 123 = 396 076

This method for Smart Math Fast Multiplication Two digits.

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yes ...nice post

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