


Easy mathematics solution Methods be SMART

Easy mathematics solution Methods give shape and how to solve math problems easily 
We will give examples of questions and answers and I'll look carefully can be understood by the reader, thoroughness is a concentrated form of our brain.

Question : Write the prime factors of 204
solution : 
204 = 2X2X2X3X17 so, the prime factors of 204 are 2.3 and 17

Question : Write down the set of even integers between -8 and 8
Easy math solution :
the set of even numbers between -8 and 8 [-6, -4, -2,0,2,4,6]

Question : [24/29] = [24/37] / [29X k], then k = ......
Easy math solution :
k = [24X37] x 29] / 29 X24
k = 37 

Question : [17 X n] + [105: 15] = 109, then n = .......
solution :
[17x n] + 7 = 109
[17 X n] = 109-7
          n = 102/7
          n = 6

Question : - 25 + [-17] - 8 = n +25, price (n) = ......
solution :
- 50 = n + 25
    n = - 50-25
    n = -75

Question : A money: money b = 2 : 1, while the money A: money C = 2 : 1, what is the ratio of money A : money B money C ? 
solution :
For example, A = 2k, money b = k, then A money : money C = 2 : 1
Money C = 1/2 X money A = 1/2 X 2k = k
so comparison, money A: B money: money C = 2k : k : k = 2 : 1 : 1

Question : Old price of an item is 28,000,00. new price is 35,000,00. What percentage increase in such goods.
solution :
increase in price = new price - old price
price increase = 35,000,00 - = 7,000,00 28,000,00
so, the percent increase in the price of goods
= Increase in price of goods / old price x 100%
= 7,000,00 / 28,000,00 X 100% = 25%

Question : Resident of the city of 600,000 people. 60% of the population were male and 40% female of number of males are boys and 10% of boys the same as the number of girls. what is the number of men, boys, women and girls? 
Easy math solution :
men     = 60% x 600,000 = 360,000 souls
boys    = 20% x 360,000 = 72,000 souls
women = 40% x 600,000 = 240,000 souls
girls      = 10% x 72,000 = 7,200 souls

Question : the amount of savings in the bank john is 85,000,00. interest money in the bank in the first year is 2.5% a month. The next year the interest money fell to 1.5% a month. what is the total amount of interest money in the bank john after saving up for 3 years?
Easy math solution :
money = 85,000,00
rate = 2.5% X 12 X 85,000,00 + 1.5% X 24 X 85,000,00
      = 12 X 85,000,00 [2,5 / 100 + 1.5 / 100 x 2]
      = 1,020,000,00 [5,5 / 100]
      = 56,100,00

      = 85,000,00 + 56,100,00 = 141,100,00

 This is just a little example Easy mathematics solution Methods.

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