


Smart Mathematics Geometry For Tricks easy Math method

Smart Mathematics Geometry For Tricks Easy math geometry we must know and understand the use of the formula, I give the following geometry methods to solve math related to calculating the volume of an object so that we will find the right answer.
Often in everyday life we encounter something amounts to be calculated using the volume, it is appropriate to use in the formula means geometry.
Here we will give examples of questions and answers using smart tricks how to provide a solution for parents, teachers and pupils. So that all the visitors here would be equally beneficial to know and the world of education in this country.
Later we will discuss one by one on the use of key mathematics in ways that are simple and easy and smart.

How do I solve math problems with Mathematics Geometry For Tricks Easy math in school because many students think math is the most frightening, one factor is very weak numeracy skills.

First we will find the volume of a cube with a smart way mathematics :
A cube-shaped bathtub, side length 15 m, filled to the brim what is the volume of water in the tub?
Volume= side X side X side
Volume = 15 X 15 X 15
Volume = 3373
, so the volume of water bath is 3373  

wide a field side of the cube 36 cm ². what is the volume of the cube?
Volume= side X side X side
Volume =
36 X36 X 36
Volume = 46656

the volume of a cube is 729 cm ³. length side of the cube is?
Volume = S³
729 = 

³√729 = S , so length side of the cube is 9 cm
the volume of a cube is 1728 cm ³. length side of the cube is?
Volume = S³
1728 = 
³√1728 = S , so length side of the cube is 12 cm

the volume of a cube is 1331cm ³. length side of the cube is?
Volume = S³
1331 = 
³√1331 = S , so length side of the cube is 11 cm
Second us will find the volume of the beam with a smart way mathematics:
A box-shaped beam, length 14 m and width of the beam 10 m, height of 8 m. When the beam is filled to the brim with sand. what is the volume of sand?
Volume = length X Breadth X Height
Volume = 14 X 10 X 8 = 1120 m³ , so the volume of water bath is 1120 .

Third us will find the volume of the prisms with a smart way mathematics :
Triangular base area 24 cm, height 14 prisms. What is the prime volume?
Volume = area of ​​base x Height
Volume = area of ​​base triangle X High
Volume = 24 X 14 = 336

A triangular prism has a triangular base elbow to elbow with elbow length 6 cm and 4 cm. Prism 4 cm high. Then like a prism is cut into 12 equal. What volume of the three pieces of the prism? do this question with Smart Mathematics Geometry For Tricks math.


Easy math and Smart to Practice Mathematics Key to success

Smart math to Practice - Easy Mathematics Key to success
Use mathematical key, to facilitate you master the basic math so you will get the title of best in class. Key math is a basic method that must be mastered by the student, the next step is often to practice using the mathematical key continuously will eventually memorized by itself.

Key Math make easy

In the order shown above has the properties: such as rectangular, square, triangle, trapezoid, parallelogram, kite, and circles. Build Flat names are as follows: Rectangle have which has a flat up against the side of the same length, and has four points right angle.
Square have the sides are all the same length.

Parallelogram have rectangle whose sides are in pairs equal in length and parallel.
Trapezium have which is a rectangle that has a proper pair of parallel sides.
Triangle have which is formed by a flat up three points that are not in line among others: equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, right triangle, any triangle

Rotational symmetry and rotational symmetry
Isosceles triangle has one
symmetry Rotational, the rotational symmetry.
equilateral triangles have three-fold symmetry, three rotational symmetry.
Square has four-fold symmetry, four rotational symmetry.
Rectangle has two fold symmetry, two rotational symmetry.
Parallelogram not have
Rotational symmetry, has two rotational symmetry.

Rhombus has 2 Rotational symmetry, two rotational symmetry.
Folding symmetry circle of infinity, infinite rotational symmetry.
Ellipse has two Rotational symmetry, two rotational symmetry.  
Questions and how to resolve by Use Smart mathematical key

Rectangle has a length of 24.5 cm, 13.5 cm breadth. What is the perimeter of the rectangle?
P = 2 X ( l + B )
   = 2 X ( 24,5 + 13,5 )
   = 2 X 38 = 76 cm
Mr. Bam has a rectangular plot of land with an area of ​​300 ha. Land length equal to three times the width. What is the land size image Mr.Bam a scale of 1: 100,000
Area = 300 ha = 300,000 cm ²
length = 3 x width
length: width  = 3 : 1
length = 3000 m = 300,000 cm
Width = 1000 m = 100.000 m
length in the picture = 300,000: 100,000 = 3 cm
Width of the image  = 100,000: 100,000 = 1 cm

Probably not smart if a student without knowing how to use the formula of a key or understand mathematical rules that must be followed by guide or basic mathematics itself. be required for students to learn by using a mathematical formula formula one example that I gave " Smart math to Practice - Easy Mathematics Key to success".


Olympiad Tricks Smart Math For Primary School Mathematics

Olympiad Tricks Smart Math  For Primary School Mathematics 
Now we are in the year 2013. The ratio of ages of my father, my mother, and my younger brother is 12 : 9 : 1. Five from year now, my father will be 41 years old. in what year was my younger brother born?

Math Solution  :
for instance age my father, my mother, my brother now is x, y and z then.
X : Y : Z = 12 : 9 : 1
X : Z = 12 : 1
Z = X/12 .............. ( 1 )                
X + 5 = 41
X = 41 - 5
X = 36 ................. ( 2 )
From ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) we get : X = 36 ----> Z = X/12 = 36/12 = 3
so, my younger brother was born in the year 2013-3 = 2010

Father's saving in a bank is $100. Mother saving in bank is $40. Every and of the week, father withdraw $3 from his savings. At the same time, mother always deposit $2.40 into her savings. After how many weeks will father's savings be $6 less than mother's savings?
Math Solution  :
for example savings father would be $ 6 less than the saving mother after x weeks, then
(100 - 3x) - (40 + 2,4x) = -6
100 - 3x - 40 - 2,4x = -6
- 5,4x = -66
x = -66/-5,4
x = 122/9      
so, father saving money will be a $ 6 less than the savings of women after 13 weeks.

Replace the latter A with an odd digit and the latter B with an even digit, so that 12 is a factor of the number A579B. find the all possible velues of A579B.
Smart Math Solution  :
12 divider A579B, A579B then 4 divider. 4 Thus divisor of 9B, then B = 2 or B = 6. Also 3 is a factor of the A579B. So 5 +7 +9 = 21 is divisible by 3, A + B is also divisible by 3. If B = 2, then A = 1 or A = 7. If B = 6, then A = 3
Thus, all possible values ​​are 15 792, 75 792 and 35 796.

The volume a small balloon is 2 liters and a larger balloon is a 5 liters. The small balloon is increased at rate of 0.4 liters per second. The larger balloon is decreased at rate of  012 per second. After how many seconds will the two balloons have the same volume?
Smart Math Solution  :
The difference between the two balloons is 3 liters. Every second of this difference decreased 0.42 liters. thus two balloons that will have the same volume after 3/0, 42 = 7.1 seconds.

Twice the number  of marbles in a bag A is less than the number of marbles in bag B. The sum of the number of marbles in bag A and C is less than the number marbles in bag B. there are more marbles in bag D than in bag B. There are 6 marbles in bag C and 9 marbles in bag D. How many marbles does bag B contain?
Smart Math Solution  :
we obtain                                       so that
2A < B                                           A + 6 < 9
A + C < B                                      A < 3
D > B                                             If A = 2, then 8 < B < 9 impossible.
C = 6                                              therefore,
D = 9                                              A = 1, then 7 < B < 9 so that B = 8
B - A > 6
B < 9
With learning earnestly we surely a success become champion at level Primary School Mathematics Olympiad.
be required for students to learn by using a mathematical formula formula one example that I gave "Olympiad Tricks Smart Math  For Primary School Mathematics ".